SMARTY Plug-In's Project

Status: Open
Budget: $750-1500
Created: 05/06/2008 at 18:38 EDT
Bidding Ends: 05/10/2008 at 18:38 EDT (3 days left)
Project Creator: cemerton
Buyer Rating: (No Feedback Yet)
Description: I have a member community and I need a couple Plug-In's designed.

#1- We might call it a "Member Files" plug-in.

I need members to have their own secure file folders. Basically, I need it to be very similar to the photo album plug-in with the same rules so that they can create their own folders as needed to organize things and so that i can control the plug-in just like the others with specific default settings.

I would like the member to have the abilty to keyword search the filenames if there are files in their folder at any time.

#2 - We can call this one the Paypal Donation Status Plug-In

I need a plug-in that allows users to make one-time paypal donations. There will be four donations to choose from increasing in value: $25, $100, $250, $500. I want an indicator (perhaps text) that appears under their username indicating the highest paypal donation they have made.

#3 - "Event Calendar" MOD

I currently already use a group plug-in. I would like groups to have a calendar. This calender can be modified by either the group administrator or all members in the group. It can be simple or complex.

I run a dedicated server with C-Panel and root access.

If I am impressed with the work, I have several other projects. I cannot have an idealist take this job. You must know what you are doing with SMARTY and hopefully the profile-manager.


I need the blog Rich Text Editor replaced with a different one I already have purchased....integration basically.

Job Type:
  • PHP
Database: MySQL
Operating system: Linux
Bid count: 1
Average bid: $ 1000

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